Monday 29 December 2008

Get ready for the truth!

Welcome to my new blog. This will be dedicated to exposing all that is wrong in this world, and I will show you it's all because of those damn Slackers!'
Yes, those who know me, knows I'm an insider, so everything I tell you will be based on solid facts, and I'm telling ya, get ready to get all your worst fears confirmed!

I will of course concentrate on the worst of them all, the gang-leader, the abominable Tomala *gasp*
She is my sworn enemy, and I beg of you, for your own safety, DO NOT APPROACH HER ALONE!!
She should only be handled by trained professionals, such as myself, and if you happen to run across her, duck and cover. Blow the whistle and I will be with you shortly!

More on this later, now I have to go and collect more inside info for yous all!